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Covid-19 Response

Your safety and peace of mind are important to us.
UPDATED: February 28, 2022

Masks are still recommended indoor spaces per MA state guidelines. however, due to the decreased incidence of COVID-19 in our local area, masks will be recommended but not required during all studio classes. We will continue to limit class size and offer a virtual option.  Those who choose to wear a mask will do so without judgment. This is a personal choice, and we will honor individual decisions.

  • Face masks are OPTIONAL upon seating in the common area, entering, and exiting the establishment.
  • MWC Practitioners will communicate their individual policies in regards to mask-wearing, during sessions.
  • We highly encourage unvaccinated individuals to continue wearing masks.
  • Frequent and thorough hand washing (20 sec).
  • Respiratory etiquette acknowledged.
  • Plenty of tissues and sanitizers for you to use.
  • Please reschedule our one-to-one services and opt to take a virtual class if you have a cough, cold, sore throat, fever, or any other symptoms.
It’s my and MWC’s wish that through communication and kindness, we can all work through this in a positive light.
 In Health,
Director, Jessica C. Dagnello & MWC Team