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Get Help During A Rough Patch

Everyone must endure the occasional rough patch of life’s open road where we are forced to find our own way for a time. Some heavy going of course. Some believe it makes you stronger. Others welcome change. Balance. Not everyone must endure this rough patch every day. Not everyone is always boxed in, painted into a corner with broad strokes of emotional burden. Another day of fear, overwhelming hopelessness and despair with no end.
Has your occasional rough patch become a way of life where there is no longer balance? Only a daily struggle to find emotional security in anything. Always grabbing the short straw?
A licensed mental health therapist can help to release the sometimes heavy going of life by helping you to find your balance in your life.
Dana Massi,  LMHC, LADAC
Holistic Counselor
Licensed Addiction Counselor.
(508) 353-8901