Something few people know about me is I read multiple books simultaneously, going from one to the other. I don’t know why. Even though I love it, sometimes one gets set aside for a long time, and then it appears back in my life. When I was Home Editing my closet this past week, […]
10 Simple Habits That Will Change your Life
Want to be happier, healthier, and more successful in life? Don’t miss these ten simple daily habits that will change your life! It’s easy to think of all of the good habits we wish we had: putting money away each month, getting up earlier, and working out every day. As […]
Seize the Spring to Renew Yourself- Body, Mind and Spirit
Article by Deb Fraine Natures first green is gold Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf is a flower; But only so an hour. Leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief. So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay. -Robert Frost As Robert […]
Wellness Tips that Support Mental Health
Breathe – No matter what the situation, mood, circumstance, problem – Breathe. It doesn’t have to necessarily be a deep breath or a long breath. Just breathe. Breath nourishes the body mind and soul. Gratitude – Feeling Grateful is sometimes very simple and other times, not so much. Depending on […]
Ever wondered, on What or How Holistic Psychotherapy can assist in your mental health as a whole?
Marina Raye, LICSW 508.496.6126 Integrative Coach/Holistic Psychotherapist Email: