Cost: Early Bird before 7/11 $75
After 7/11 $80
4 Day Workshop Led by Sara DaCosta
Does it feel as though your mind just can’t stop? I mean constantly going, I have to get to work, I need to finish this paper, I forgot to buy my friend a card, Why did she block me on Facebook, Should I have even posted that, I have to work out, Did I remember what I needed for this test, Do I have enough money for gas, Will I fit in, Why can’t I relax, What am I doing!I am asking the youth of today, do you take time to reflect and appreciate where you are and who you are?Take some time for you. Join me in a Mindfulness for Young Women class. This will give you a safe space for you to be mindful through meditation, participate in independent and paired yoga poses and stretches. We will also journal our reflections and intentions. I am reaching out to young women ages 14 to 18.I look forward to leading you in your mindful journey.
Mindfulness For Young Women
1 Hour Class Ages 14-18 Mindfulness will be the intention of the session Yoga poses and stretching Journaling Meditation