Article By Julie Hatch LAc. In her book Treatment of Infertility with Chinese Medicine, Jane Lyttleton writes: “ An old Chinese professor friend of mine once compared the two systems [Western and Eastern medicine] figuratively in the following scenario: Imagine our patient is a round table, which in its disease […]
‘Leave’ Raking Back Pain behind with these 7 tips
Autumn brings colder weather, fall sports, and colorful foliage on the trees. The changing season also brings new chores and outdoor work, along with the potential for injuries while accomplishing these tasks. Leaf raking is one such task, with injuries ranging from strained back muscles to twisted knees. The following […]
Unsubstantiated Fear
What is holding you back? So many people have no idea of what is preventing them from living the life they really want. You can imagine their relief when they find out unsubstantiated fear is actually a symptom. Fear is the emotion of the kidneys and the bladder, organs associated […]
Self-Care Tips for the Holidays
It’s that time of year again! For a lot of people the Holidays can be both enjoyable and stressful as well. Here are some suggestions to help reduce stress levels and help increase mood stability. * Simplify and Prioritize- Remember that we can’t do it all. Often times we […]
3 to 5 PM, Saturday, November 16, 2019 Cost: $35 in advance $40 at the door Description: Do you struggle with self-criticism or self-doubt? Do you have self-limiting beliefs? What could happen in your life if you loved yourself as much as you do others? In this workshop, we […]