Remember that old adage “patience is a virtue”? Well in our instant gratification society in which we demand immediate responses to questions from Alexa and Google, where we expect a returned text in a matter of moments, where automation has speeded up everything, patience is becoming a lost virtue. The […]
Relax Breathe Trust
I have missed practicing over the last nearly three months and hope to be returning to working with clients very soon. During this time, it has become very important for me to use the resources available to me to remain healthy, gain happiness, and to be grounded and relaxed despite […]
Live 2019 Effortlessly
Self Care Challenge – Day 10 So often in my life I was taught to “try hard”, “work hard”, to put a lot of effort into my work. I have done that and I can feel the result in my body. Tense shoulders, tight neck muscles, and overall tension […]
What is Sound Healing?
Never been to a Sound Healing? They’ve become more and more popular as of late, and for good reason! People from all walks of life have been discovering the power of sound and music. This is nothing new, for people have used these amazing universal gifts to heal mind, body, […]